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Scientific Board

The Scientific Board, responsible for the programme definition, is composed of experts in the field with a diverse expertise and background (in alphabetical order):


Fabio Acero - CNRS/IAC

Jonathan Biteau - Paris-Saclay University

Oscar Blanch Bigas - IFAE

Patrizia Caraveo - INAF

Elisabete M. de Gouveia Dal Pino - University of São Paulo

Emma de Ona Wilhelmi - DESY

David Green - MPP

Jamie Holder - University of Delaware

Daniel Mazin - ICRR

Lars Mohrmann - MPIK

Abelardo Moralejo Olaizola - IFAE

Cristian Vignali - University of Bologna

Gabrijela Zaharijas - University of Nova Gorica

Roberta Zanin – CTAO (Chair)



Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

The organization of on-site activities is carried out by (in alphabetical order):


Bertinoro (Italy)

Tiziana Abegg - CTAO

Michelangelo Bottura - CTAO

Andrea Bulgarelli - INAF

Vito Conforti - INAF

Paolo Da Vela - INAF

Alba Fernández-Barral - CTAO

Stefano Marchesi - INAF (Chair)

Eleonora Torresi - INAF


La Palma (Spain)

Tiziana Abegg - CTAO

Oscar Blanch Bigas - IFAE (Chair)

Paolo Calisse - CTAO

Alba Fernández-Barral - CTAO

Martin Will - CTAO


Questions? Go to Contact page. 






The second edition of the CTAO International School is organized by the CTAO ERIC. The first week of the school in Bertinoro is funded by the Cherenkov Telescope Array Plus project (IR0000012; CUP C53C22000430006) within the Italian Resilience and Recovery Plan (PNRR), as an activity led by the University of Bologna.


Organized by





Funded and supported by 















The CTAO School counts also on the support of members from the CTAO LST Collaboration, the MAGIC Telescopes, the Gran Telescopio de Canarias (GTC) and the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG).

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